DRIVE One "CTE and Automotive Media for Students" or CAMS is a reference portal for DRIVE One students to access Auto and CTE-related classwork outside of the classroom.
C.A.M.S. uses ASE-approved materials for chapters covering a wide array of subjects, including:
"Intro To Automotive"
"Buying A Car"
"Tools + Equipment"
"Auto Care + Cleaning"
"Electrical Systems"
"Cooling System + Climate Control"
"Suspension, Steering, + Tires"
"Alternative Fuels + Designs"
& More
Each Chapter grants students access to many valuable materials, like:
Instructional Video & Slideshows
Workbook Questions + Keywords
Lab Activities Students Can Do From Home
Plus Videos, Web Activities, Test, & More.
Most of all, it allows students a one-stop-shop for material covered in class where they can access make-up work and additional reference material not covered in class.
Students can access Chapter Modules by clicking the link below:

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